Weather Chart after reaching 14000 fts and above

Month Day Temperature Expect Snow
Early May Bit cold Goes down to -5 °C (23°F) Yes-less
June Bit cold 3°C to 17°C (37°F to 45°F) No
July Comfortable 3°C to 17°C (37°F to 45°F) No
August/September Comfortable 3°C to 17°C (37°F to 45°F) No
and early October Bit  Cold Goes down to 1°C (33°F) No

Best Time to go for Kailas Mansarovar Yatra

The best time for a Mount Kailas yatra and  Kailas Parikrama is in summer (May till begining of october). This is due to the warmer temperature and higher oxygen content. When the weather is not very cold, averaging above 10°C (50°F). This is naturally the busiest travel time in Tibet, when people come for the warmer weather and higher oxygen content. Tibetan weather is known for its Strong sunshine, Cold and dry air.

Seasons in Tibet

Spring: April – May

The ice melts and the weather warms during spring, opening blocked remote roads and making travel outside Lhasa more pleasant.

Tibet Spring
Summer: June – Aug

The weather in summer is warm in daytime and may be cooler at night. The air has a higher oxygen content than in other seasons. Sometimes it will shower at night or for about an hour in the afternoon in mid-July to late August. It’s Tibet tourism golden time during this 3 months, many kinds of festivals are holding in Tibet such as Ganden Thangka Festival, Shoton Festival and Nagqu Horse Racing Festival, you could still enjoy watching the cleanest view of Mt.Everest and have the best time at Mt.Kailas.

Tibet Summer
Fall: September – Octomber

Fall is also a busy travel season in Tibet and the weather is clear and cool. It’s a good time to hike and trek in Tibet, and it’s also a good time to shoot photos of mountain peaks, due to less cloud. The landscape is most beautiful as well.

Tibet Fall
Winter: November – March

Tibet is usually closed to foreign travelers in February and March for 5 or 6 weeks. Tibet Entry Permits are normally not issued for February and March. Some roads are closed due to the heavy snow.

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