- Please be Respectful to all the Yatri’s, to our staff who will be of your great support durig yatra & also to the locals
- Travel in a spirit of humility and with a genuine desire to learn more about the people of your host country.
- Be sensitively aware of the feelings of other people, preventing what might be offensive behaviour on your part. This applies very much to photography.
- Cultivate the habit of listening and observing, rather than merely hearing and seeing.
- Instead of looking for that ‘beach paradise’ with flights to Myrtle beach, discover the enrichment of seeing a different way of life through other eyes.
- Please carry an adequate insurance coverage to meet all emergencies
- Please carry adequate cash to meet any emergencies.
- Please carry SIM Card with international roaming facility.
- Physical Fitness certificate from Family physician
- Drink at least 3 litters water daily. While drinking water you should drink very slowly. You should take one sip of water every 10 minutes
- If you are suffering from diabetes you should carry portable blood sugar instrument with you and check your sugar level daily. You must carry some snack with you in your back pack.
- Chant of Aum Namah Shivay should be constant during the Yatra.